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The Ahimsak way of living

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Jain Marketplace

About Us

About Us:

'Jain Marketplace' is an online shopping portal by For Achiever India Pvt. Ltd. with an implementation of ethics and values which promotes non-violence and believes in promoting cruelty-free and ahimsak products. This store deals in all kinds of such products by collaborating with trusted brands.

Our Mission:

Our country once followed the principle of 'Ahimsa Parmo Dharma' but somehow due to external influences and conflicts over the years, our cultural and religious heritage started getting diminished and gradually, we started getting more inclined towards violent and cruel lifestyle. Jain Marketplace's core mission is to re-establish the age-old heritage of our country through our online shopping portal.

Our Vision:

Jain Marketplace has the vision to become the most preferred E-commerce online portal for the users so that, they can have access to all kind of products which are used in day-to-day life according to their faith and belief.

Our Services:

We provide a platform to the manufacturers of cruelty-free and ahimsak products who want to start and flourish their business online and for the customers who want to buy these products sitting at their home to follow 'Ahimsak way of living'.

Why Ahimsa?

Ahimsa is considered as the supreme ideology. Ahimsa means not to harm any living being through our thoughts, words or actions whether it is for food or any household thing.

Every living creature whether it is big or small, single or multiple sensed, feels pain and fear like we do. They go through extreme miseries when they are killed or harmed.

Being a responsible human being we should try not to become the reason for somebody’s miseries.

Fruits of Ahimsa

By following an 'Ahimsak way of living' we can protect our age-old ethics and values as well as establishing peace and fearlessness all around.